Welcome to BGP - Setting Up Your Own BGP Network: A Step-by-Step Guide (IPv6)

Learn how to configure your own BGP network using open-source tools like BIRD2, PathVector, and Routinator. This guide focuses on IPv6 and provides a practical approach to BGP routing with real-world examples.

What's BGP?

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol and is used to discover who is anouncing a certain IP address subnet, BGP routers communicate between them by sharing routing tables.

What concepts should I be aware?

Two routers having a conversation

Router1-->>Router2: Hey, I'm AS123456!
Router2-->>Router1: Hey there, I'm AS234567!
Router1-->>Router2:  I'm announcing 2a00:1450:4000:/48
Router1-->>Router2:  I'm announcing 2a00:1450:4001:/48
Router1-->>Router2:  (20k more announcements)

Router2-->>Router1: Okay, I'll send you the traffic to those routes
Router2-->>Router1: I'm announcing 2a00:1450:1::/48
Router1-->>Router2: Okay, I'll send you the traffic to those routes

In this conversation, the actors were:

Router 1 - An upstream provider, knows how to route all the traffic

Router 2 - A downstream, announces it's own routes but he receives all other routes from the upstream

What do I need to get started?

First things first:

  1. Register on your RIR plaftorm, in this post I'll use RIPE since I'm European https://access.ripe.net/registration

  2. Create the essential objects: https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/webupdates/select

    Person and Maintainer Pair - This will pair the maintainer widht your RIR SSO and your 'person'

     mntner:         <FIRST_NAME>-<MIDDLE_NAME>-<LAST_NAME>-MNT
     person:         <Your Full Name>
     address:        <Your Full Address, Country included>
     e-mail:         <Your Email Address>
     phone:          <Your Phone With International Preffix>

    Generic Contacts Role - This will have your Abuse & NOC contacts

     role:           AS<ASN>-CONTACT
     address:        <Your Full Address, Country included>
     e-mail:         <Your NOC Email Address>
     abuse-mailbox:  <Your Abuse Email Address>
     nic-hdl:        AUTO-1                          # RIPE will auto generate it
     mnt-by:         <Filled automatically with the previous Maintainer>

    Organization - This will be the owner of your 'Internet Number' objects (ASN, Subnets, etc)

     organisation:   ORG-SS1376-RIPE
     org-name:       <Your Full Name>
     country:        <Country Code>
     org-type:       OTHER                   # For personal ASNs
     address:        <Your full address>
     e-mail:         <Your email address>
     abuse-c:        <The NIC HDL of the Generic Contact role you created before>
  3. Choose a LIR to apply for an ASN on your local RIR, give preference to a LIR that has experience doing it:

    • InfernoComms - 45£ (one-time) + 30£ (per year) for a /48 PA IPv6 subnet
    • Lagrange - 15£ (one-time) - Include a /48 PA IPv6 subnet
    • iFog - 60CHF (one time) + 30CHF (per year) for a /48 PA IPv6 subnet
  4. Wait a few days, it should take about a week

  5. Secure your resources

    • Create a ROUTE/ROUTE6 object for your newly assigned subnet
      route6:         <your_subnet>::/<subnet_size>
      origin:         AS<your_asn>
      mnt-by:         <your maintainer id>
    • If you got a PA subnet from your LIR, ask him to secure it with RPKI
    • If you got a PI subnet from your LIR you can certificate a path using:
    • Rour RIR platform: https://my.ripe.net/#/rpki
    • Your own RPKI server
  6. Create a few more objects on your RIR (link for samples)

  7. Update your new AUT-NUM to import/export the previous objects according to their purpose:

    aut-num:        <dont_change_it>
    as-name:        <dont_change_it>
    org:            <dont_change_it>
    sponsoring-org: <dont_change_it>
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        -                       UPSTREAM                              -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        - We accept anything from upstreams and announce us and our   -
    remarks:        - downstreams.                                                -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS<your_asn>:AS-UPSTREAMS accept ANY
    mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS<your_asn>:AS-UPSTREAMS announce AS<your_asn>:AS-CONE
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        -                       EXCHANGES                              -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        - We accept anything from exchanges and announce us and our   -
    remarks:        - downstreams.                                                -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS<your_asn>:AS-EXCHANGES accept AS<your_asn>:AS-EXCHANGES
    mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS<your_asn>:AS-EXCHANGES announce AS<your_asn>:AS-CONE
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        -                         PEERS                               -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        - We accept anything from peers and announce us and our       -
    remarks:        - downstreams (no transit).                                   -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS<your_asn>:AS-PEERS accept AS<your_asn>:AS-PEERS
    mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS<your_asn>:AS-PEERS announce AS<your_asn>:AS-CONE
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    remarks:        -                       DOWNSTREAM                            -
    remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------------
    mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS<your_asn>:AS-DOWNSTREAMS accept AS<your_asn>:AS-DOWNSTREAMS
    mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS<your_asn>:AS-DOWNSTREAMS announce ANY
    remarks:        ------------------------------------------------------------------
    admin-c:        <your-person-id>
    tech-c:         <your-person-id>
    abuse-c:        <your-contact-id>

    The idea of this approach is to keep a static version of you AUTNUM by maintaining just the ASSETS, some upstreams build their own filters using legacy scripts that might get broken with this approach, please validate with your upstreams if it's okay to use this approach or if you need to keep all the AS's in your AUTNUM for their filters to work properly.

  8. We finished the object configuration, the objects created so far will ensure that the automations on your upstreams will allow you to announce your prefixes and your downstream's. Be aware that some upstreams configure things manually and you need to inform them every single time you (or your downstreams) add new prefixes. Avoid those upstream providers, things should be automated and subnet ownership certification should be done with RKPI/IRR objects.

Now seriously, let's get started!

In this post I'll use:

Sharing my setup

I have a core router in my main location (where I don't have many local peers unfortunatly), and edge routers in London, Madrid, Barcelona and Oporto.

graph LR
A[Lisbon] --> B((Oporto))
A[Lisbon] --> C((London1))
A[Lisbon] --> D((London2))
A[Lisbon] --> E((Madrid))
A[Lisbon] --> F((Barcelona))
B --> K{Cloudity}
B -- Tunnel--> L{FreeTunnel.ch}
E --> H{VultR}
C --> I{iFog}
D --> J{Lagrange}
F --> I{iFog}

How does everything works?

Since all my network is in Lisbon, that's were I'm announcing all my prefixes using iBGP to the edge locations, each edge location will then advertise it to the eBGP peers and upstreams.

Setting things Up

  1. Make the initial setup of your Ubuntu server

  2. Install the required packages: Parts from https://pathvector.io/docs/installation

    curl https://repo.pathvector.io/pgp.asc > /usr/share/keyrings/pathvector.asc
    echo  "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/pathvector.asc] https://repo.pathvector.io/apt/ stable main"  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pathvector.list
    apt update && apt install -y pathvector bgpq4 bird2
  3. With everything installed, create a new config file /etc/pathvector.yml, inline comments to help you to understand it

    asn: <your_asn_numberic_value>
    router-id: <unique_identifier>                                          # Unique identification of your router (use the router's public ipv4)
    bgpq-args: "-S AFRINIC,APNIC,ARIN,LACNIC,RIPE"                          # Arguments to query all RIRs
    irr-query-timeout: 30
    irr-server: ""                                            # NTT's IRR IP
    rtr-server: "<routinator_ip>:3323"                                      # Your routinator ip:port
    peeringdb-api-key: "<peering_db_api_key_here>"
    peeringdb-query-timeout: 30
    default-route: false                                                    # We won't need a default route
    merge-paths: true                                                       # Import equivalent routes (when there are multiple best matches)
    source6: <one_address_assigned_in_one_of_the_routers_interfaces>        # Address to add (as src addr) when routing traffic to the next hop
    learn: true                                                           # Learn from iBGP and eBGP (internal and external routes will be added automatically)
    ibgp:                                                                 # iBGP template
     announce-all:                                                       # Announce all routes to our iBGPs
     allow-local-as: true                    # Allow our own AS between connections, after all is an iBGP
     asn: <your_asn>                         # Our ASN
     direct: true                            # Specifies we connect directly to the other router (no hops between)
     enforce-first-as: false                 # We are exchanging routes without adding our AS as the first hop, so it should be false
     enforce-peer-nexthop: true              # Our neighbor should tell us he's the next hop, otherwise we won't know how to get there
     filter-rpki: false                      # We won't filter anything here, its done at the edges, not internally
     next-hop-self: true                     # We'll be the next hop for announced routes
     export: true                            # Export routes to this peer (used together with announce-all)
    upstream:                                  # UPSTREAM Template
     allow-local-as: false                    # Our upstream doesn't share the same AS
     announce: [ "<your_asn>:0:15", "<your_asn>:0:16" ] # Announce our CONE (Upstreams and ourselves)
     remove-all-communities: <your_asn>           # Remove all our communities, that's our stuff, our upstream doesn't have anything to do with it
     local-pref: 50                           # The preference of our upstream
     add-on-import: [ "<your_asn>:0:12" ]         # We add all routes from our upstreams to this community
    routeserver:                               # ROUTESERVER Template - For exchanges with RS
     filter-transit-asns: true                # Reject known transit ASNs, just in case someone announces THE INTERNET to the Exchange Route servers
     auto-import-limits: true                 # For each ASN we'll use the subnet limits configured in PeeringDB, just for prevention
     enforce-peer-nexthop: false              # The next hop will most likely be someone's router in the same subnet, not the route server itself
     enforce-first-as: false                  # For the same reason as the previous
     announce: [ "<your_asn>:0:15","<your_asn>:0:16" ] # We announce ourselves and our downstreams
     remove-all-communities: <your_asn>           # Remove our communities, it's our stuff
     local-pref: 90                           # Set the local preference
     add-on-import: [ "<your_asn>:0:13" ]         # Add the imports to the RouteServers community
     next-hop-self: true                      # Set this router as the next-hop when exporting routes
     filter-irr: true                         # Filter the ROUTE6 objects to prevent peers from anouncing something that doesn't belong to them
                          # (RPKI is enabled by default, that's why I didn't add the parameter)
     filter-transit-asns: true                # Be sure the peer is not anouncing kwnow Transit ASNs
     auto-import-limits: true                 # Limit the imports according to the PeeringDB config, for prevention
     auto-as-set: true                        # Get AS-SETs from peering DB to establish what the peer can announce
     announce: [ "<your_asn>:0:15","<your_asn>:0:16"]
     remove-all-communities: <your_asn>          # Remove all our communities before exchanging routes
     local-pref: 100
     add-on-import: [ "<your_asn>:0:14" ]
     next-hop-self: true                      # Set this router as the next-hop when exporting routes
     filter-irr: true
     allow-blackhole-community: true
     filter-transit-asns: true
     auto-import-limits: true
     auto-as-set: true
     next-hop-self: true
     announce-default: true                 # You can announce the default route (if you're the only upstream for this peer) or send the full table
     remove-all-communities: <your_asn>
     local-pref: 110
     add-on-import: [ "<your_asn>:0:15" ]
     template: ibgp
       - <your_other_router_ip>
     asn: <your_upstream_asn>
     template: upstream
       - <your_upstream_route_server_ip>

Things I might have to explain


Communities are used to aggregate routes in logical groups, you can then announce, import or export them as you intend:


If you're using VultR you'll need to add this:

  learn: true
    "2001:19f0:ffff::1/128": "fe80::fc00:4ff:fedb:b9f3%enp1s0"  # This is an example, you'll have to route the neighbors (their RS) via you default gw%interface
    asn: 64515                          # Their internal ASN
    template: upstream                  # Use the base upstream template
    multihop: true                      # Set it for multihop due to their config
    enforce-first-as: false             # They'r announcing the routes with their external ASN as
                                        # first in the path, so we have to ignore it (we won't see
                                        # the internal ASN in the path)
    enforce-peer-nexthop: false         # For the same reason as the first-as
    filter-bogon-asns: false
    password: "<password_here>"
      - 2001:19f0:ffff::1


This short tutorial will let you bootstart your network quickly, PathVector will build the Bird configuration and build the proper filters by using bgp4 to fetch your peer's AUTNUMS, ASSETs and ROUTE(6) objects

What should I do next?

Check your /etc/bird/* config files, learn from what's built automatically from pathvector and correlate the pathvector config with the generated files


Last-Update: 2024/05/10